Dar al Islam Teachers’ Institute

The 34th Teachers’ Institute is from July 9 to July 22, 2023.
Apply now!

Apply for the institute, using the link below.

Although we accept applications on a rolling deadline,
best consideration is given to those applications received by April 30th.

The Dar al Islam Teachers’ Institutes have been held at our famous facilities in Abiquiu, New Mexico since 1994.

Our goal is to enable educators to teach about Islam with greater confidence. Participants gain a deeper understanding of the basic tenets of Islam and see how Islam works in the daily lives of the program’s Muslim faculty and staff.

Through discourse, study of texts, and interaction with Muslims, some of the questions we seek to address include:

  • How did Islam become the second largest world faith?
  • What should we know about Islam and Muslims in America today?
  • What are the common links between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism
  • How does Islam view reform, diversity, and change?
  • How can one most effectively teach about Islam in the classroom?

The Program:

This is a two-week residential Institute that covers Islam from a normative perspective. Using primary texts and classical interpretations, University professors and Islamic scholars cover in depth and breadth

  • Islamic faith & practice
  • History
  • Culture and civilization
  • Contemporary issues and world-view of Islam
  • Existing resources & curriculum for social studies, religion or world history classes

Participants, faculty, and staff benefit from living together during the program because it provides the opportunity to 1) have informal conversations with one another outside of the classroom; and 2) observe the lived Islam of faculty and staff, most of whom are Muslims.


We offer the Teachers’ Institute at NO COST to participants!

Dar al Islam covers all costs for the program, including:

  • Instructional fees
  • On-site lodging
  • Meals
  • Books
  • Shuttle to and from the Albuquerque International Airport
  • Supplementary teaching materials

Participants only pay their round trip travel expenses to the Albuquerque International Airport in New Mexico.

Application process:

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until spaces are filled, but priority is given to those submitted by April 15th.

While the focus of this Institute is on secondary school teachers, we accept and equally consider applications from other professionals.

Each application must include:

  1. A resume
  2. A brief one page essay describing why you are interested in attending the Dar al Islam Teachers’ Institute, and how participating in it will complement and enhance your current professional role and personal goals


For questions and more information, please Contact us: InstituteDirector(at)daralislam.org

If you are among our many alumni but have been out of touch, we invite you to reconnect with us and with your old friends. Tell us about your work since your last contact with us, and let us know how we can assist you in your teaching passions. Email us at InstituteDirector(at)daralislam.org.